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Text Formatting
In every web page you will, at one time or another, want to use text formatting. Maybe a different color, style, type, or alignment of text. There are many different ways that you can manipulate text. We'll start with the very basics here and then play with the many specifications of formats. This is a list of all the formatting commands; click on the command to view examples and information.
<FONT> The font command is used to change the size, type, and color of text. When specifying a font type you will need to have the font installed on your computer before it will be displayed on the screen. The same goes for people who are visiting your site; they will also need to have the same font installed. If you want to use a special font on your page, be nice and provide a link to your font so they can download and install it. Example: You can specify a color value either by the color name or by the RGB value. When using color names you are limited to the basic colors. RGB color values are from a-f and 0-9. Each value will be preceeded by a pound sign (#). For a short list of hexidecimal color values click the button below.
size=value|+-value Example: <H?> Paragraph headings come in six sizes, 1-6; one being the largest, six being the smallest. Example: Reads: Heading 1Also notice that there are no spaces between the H and the number. Always end the heading command with </H?>, be sure to include the heading number. <PRE> Preformatted text comes in handy when you want the viewer to read text exactly as you have typed it.
This is a paragrah typed in preformatted text Notice in the code that there are no breaks (<BR>) commands in the paragraph yet the text breaks exactly the way it is typed. With preformatted text, all other text formats must be ended before using the <PRE> command. <B> Bold text can be achieved in two ways either by <B> or by <STRONG>. Either way will produce bold text. Example: <I> Italics can be achieved in two ways, <I> or <EM>. Both ways will produce the same effect. Example: <U> Underline is commonly used in emphasizing text. <TT> Typewritter is not widely used, but you may find a time when you would like to use it. This is text in typewritter form. <STRIKE> Strikeout is self explainatory: <BLINK> The blink text will make the text flash off and on on the page: Example: Reads: Some browsers do not recognize the blink command. Be carefull when using the blink command, to many blinking items will not only take away from the design of your page, it will make the page gaudy and unprofessional. Be sure to end the blink command with </blink>. |