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Page Formats

Formatting text and images on the page is very important in page design. I have seen many, many pages where everything from text to images are centered down the middle of the page. That method is not good page design. There are many different ways to format a page, including using lists and tables.

Click on the command to view explainations and examples:
Command Result Attributes
<P> Paragraph ALIGN=
Unordered/Ordered list
List Item
<CENTER> Center alignment none
<BLOCKQUOTE>> Quote none
<NOBR> Prevents word wrap. none
<HR> Horizonal line SIZE=


Paragraph command. Separates each "block" of text by a blank line. Unlike the <BR> command which skips to the next line, there will be one blank line in between paragraphs.

<P>This is the text of your paragraph. You will notice that the lines automatically wrap to the screen. You can align your paragraph by using the align="value". Values are: [ right | left | center | justify ].

<UL> and <OL>

Unordered List and Ordered List. These two commands will indent text by 5 spaces. Another command that accompanies these commands is:


List Item. The list item command will place a "bullet" on the page when used with <UL> and a "number" on the page when used the <OL> command. The attributes for the list item command will produce different type bullets and numbers.


<LI type="circle">First Item
<LI type="disc">Second Item
<LI type="square">Third Item


  • First Item
  • Second Item
  • Third Item

And with the ordered list:
<ol type="1">First Item
<li type="A">Second Item
<li type="a">Third Item
<li type="I">Fourth Item


  1. First Item
  2. Second Item
  3. Third Item
  4. Fourth Item

You can place ordered or unordered lists inside lists:


<ol type="I">
<li>First Item
<li>Second Item
  <ul type="square">
  <li>Second list Item One
  <li>Second list Item Two
<li>Third Item
<li>Forth Item


  1. First Item
  2. Second Item
    • Second list Item One
    • Second list Item Two
  3. Third Item
  4. Fourth Item

Notice that I used both the <ol> and <ul> commands and placed the type= attribute in the command. If you use the type= attribute in the <ul> command it will effect the entire list. Using the type= attribute in the <li> command will effect the list item and subsequent items until another type is specified.

Be sure to end your lists with </ol> or </ul> command.


The center command can be used to center the entire page or a single item.

<center>This text is centered on the page.</center>


This text is centered on the page.

Be sure to end the center command where you want centering to end. Otherwise everything from the point of insertion will be centered.


Blockquote will indent items 5 spaces.

<blockquote>This paragraph is indented by using the blockquote command. Each line of text will be indented until the blockquote command is endend.</blockquote>


This paragraph is indented by using the blockquote command. Each line of text will be indented until the blockquote command is endend.

Quote can also be used to indent images, tables, forms, or any other item on the page.


This command prevent text from wraping to the window.

<nobr>This text is not wrapped to the window. It will continue as far as the text can go.</nobr>

Be sure to end the no break command where you want it to end, as you can see the window does not scroll horizonally for the nobreak command.

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